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Cycling through Munich

Do you fancy discovering Munich and the surrounding area by bicycle? Then we have prepared a few great suggestions for your bike tours around the AMBER ECONTEL Munich…


Past the Blutenburg and Nymphenburg Castles to the Botanic Garden and Hirschgarten restaurant (approx. 25 km round trip) Blutenburg Castle Chapel

The building has a special charm that the observer only gradually comes to appreciate. The starting point here is the architectural space, which independently transcends all fixtures and fittings and fits in with the religious and artistically arranged layout.

Botanic Garden
Around 14,000 plant species are grown here. In the greenhouse, spanning 4,500 m², you can go on a botanical journey through humid tropical regions, cool tropical mountain woods or hot deserts. In the large arboretum and in the systematic area, you can acquire insight into the relationships and ecological requirements of plants. In the ornamental courtyard you will find ideas for your own garden.

Nymphenburg Castle and Park
On the occasion of the birth of the heir to the throne, in 1664 electoral prince Ferdinand Maria and his wife Henriette Adelaide von Savoyen commissioned Agostino Barelli with the construction of a Summer palace to the west of Munich. Additions were made to this stylish, cubic building were made under the direction of Max Emanuel and Karl Albrecht, following plans by Henrico Zuccalli and Joseph Effner. The vast “Steinerne Saal” (Stone Chamber) was given its Rococo décor by Johann Baptist Zimmermann and François Cuvilliés Sr. at the time of Electoral Prince Max III. Joseph. The “Schönheitengalerie” (Gallery of Beauties) by Joseph Stieler, commissioned by King Ludwig I is particularly famous. Enjoy a Maß (one litre) of beer or a refreshing shandy and a Bavarian snack in the “Königlichen Hirschgarten”, Munich’s largest beer garden.

Lake Starnberg

Cycling tour to Lake Starnberg (approx. 25 km) via the Maria Eich pilgrimage church, with the option of a trip around (or part of the way around) Lake Starnberg (50 km), returning via the Mühltal (approx. 22 km)

Bernried, “Bavaria’s most beautiful village”and Lothar-Günther Buchheim’s famous collection of Expressionist works in the “Museum der Phantasie” (Museum of Fantasy).

Boat trip on Lake Starnberg Mooring points (Line C, bike transport): Berg, Leoni, Ammerland, Ambach, Seeshaupt, Bernried, Tutzing, Possenhofen, Starnberg.

Possible return on the S-Bahn
Take the S6 from Tutzing, Possenhofen, Starnberg, Starnberg Nord, Gauting, Planegg to Westkreuz, then continue on the S8 in the direction of Herrsching/Weßling, getting off at the first stop, Neuaubing.

Lake Ammer

Large 4-lake cycling tour with detour to the Andechs Monastery, returning via Gauting along the Würm (approx. 86 km) or the small 4-lake tour (approx. 41 km) Andechs Monastery on the holy mountain
The late Gothic Andechs Monastic Church was redesigned in the Rococo style by Johann Baptist Zimmerman, from 1751 until 1755. The Orff festival in Andechs, at which the works of Carl Orff are displayed in the monastery’s Florian-Stadl hall every year, during the Summer months, is the world’s most important venue dedicated to maintaining Orff’s works. Bavarian delicacies in the cloister restaurant, Bräustüberl (brewery pub) and beer garden!

Boat trip on Lake Ammer
Mooring points: e.g. Herrsching, Diessen, Utting Bike transport on Line A, otherwise restricted.

Take the S8 directly from Herrsching, Seefeld, Steinebach, Weßling. Return from Gauting or Planegg until Westkreuz with the S6, then continue on the S8 in the direction of Herrsching/Weßling, getting off at the first stop, Neuaubing.

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